Meet Your Mentors

Our Vision


We are dedicated to  empowering you to transform your life, love, intimacy and relationship, with simple, clear, and easy to apply practices.

When two people have access to the right tools and teachings, it is possible to heal and grow through the deepest of challenges.

Relationships between men and women are so deeply misunderstood, it’s almost impossible to transform your relationship without expert support and guidance.

Relationships can bring profound healing, life changing growth, and transformational awakenings. Rod and I are committed to supporting women and men to grow spiritually and sexually alongside each other.

And, you will no longer be alone. We have created a community of people dedicated to growing and transforming alongside their intimate partners.

When you combine two people who are open and willing to embrace a new way of relating, with expert guidance, the possibilities for You are limitless.

If you are ready to transform your life and relationship, reach out today. A whole new way of being is one click away….


Martina Hughes


About Martina

"It is possible..."


I’ve experienced relationships being deeply fulfilling and excruciatingly painful.

I often hear people sharing the belief that relationships “should just happen naturally”. Whilst we are hardwired to desire relationships, most of us have conditioning and patterns that get in the way of living the quality of intimacy we intuit is possible.

My passion is supporting people to discover who they truly are, to offer them the tools that will transform their lives through their relationship, and to cultivate the quality of love, sex, intimacy, and relationship they deeply long for.

I have felt the impact of not knowing how to communicate in a relationship, not knowing how to be, and not understanding how to create the intimacy I craved.

So many people experience not feeling seen, heard, and felt by their intimate partner. Others feel the aloneness, the longing, and pain of not knowing how to attract the quality of partner they wish for.

Over the last 19 years of personal and professional experiences, I have seen that it is possible to create change. 

My life is dedicated to supporting women and men to cultivate a new way of being in relationship. To create an intimacy that allows you to grow, transform, and awaken together, an intimacy that is profoundly life-changing.

With love, 


Martina's Professional Journey

Martina intuitively understands people and relationship dynamics. She loves connecting with people and being of service.

Martina has lived and worked overseas and her influence spans many continents.

Her professional manner and unwavering presence create a safe space for people to share their most vulnerable and personal life experiences. Empowering women and men to discover the full range of their humanity, and realise their deepest gifts.

Martina’s journey of transformation happened over many years, from her time as a financial controller, exploration and training through yoga, meditation, various therapies, food as medicine, shiatsu, energetic healing, breathwork, rebirthing, tantra to now sharing her wisdom as an Intimacy and Relationship Mentor.

Through the deep embodiment of these learnings, Martina has created a truly holistic and comprehensive offering.

Martina’s purpose is to guide people to opening their hearts and becoming the greater source of love that lives inside them.

Martina Hughes


About Rod


"There Is Another Way To Be A Man In The World"


I often had a feeling of not fitting in when I was a kid, and that's true as an adult as well. 

The cultural prescription of what it means to be a man didn’t work for me. The expectations of what a man is meant to be and do, as well as the hurt, resentment, and pain that comes with it all.

I felt how deeply painful it was to do all the things I was supposed to do, and still feel like something was missing. 

I came to see how lost I was. I was so uncertain of how to move forward in my life, I didn’t want to conform to the old and destructive ways of being a man, and I didn’t want to be another “sensitive new age guy”.

I saw no examples of men that were inspiring, nothing I wanted to be like.

This led me to enquire, what does it mean to be a man? How could I do it differently? How could I create something different? How could I create the kind of relationship I intuited was possible?

My deepest feeling was, there was another way to be a man. 

So I searched, and I searched and I searched. I travelled overseas, I studied, I practiced and I changed. 

I discovered yes, it was possible. And, that it is possible for any man. 

I found new and different ways to be a man only to realise that walking this path was my gift to humanity.

I had found a deep sense of purpose. 

My gift is guiding people in discovering their own unique path of becoming, to support you to heal old wounds, to relate skilfully in intimate relationship, to transform and awaken. 

I want people to know they can be deeply spiritual, free, loving and awake, and also a person who is deeply engaged with life. 

With love,


Rod's Professional Journey

Rod holds space with loving awareness, skilfully empowering people to live a version of their life they intuit is possible, yet feels unaccessible.

Rod is an expert in the art of Sacred Intimacy, Healing, Alpha & Omega embodiment, and Meditation.

Rod has the unique background of 30 years experience as a hairdresser. Through hairdressing, Rod discovered his ability to hold space, connect, and listen to people, as well as his deep passion for intimate relationships, and his love of being of service.

Rod often shares how much he loved making women feel beautiful, and how he thought that was the purpose of being a hairdresser. Only to realise he was learning to deeply listen and understand women. It was only later he discovered how much that served women and men.

Rod’s capacity for seeing people with love and compassion allows him to meet them on a very deep level. His capacity to see and feel what is happening for another, and to lovingly call forward their awareness, their gifts, and the possibilities available for them.

Rod continues to study and explore here in Australia and overseas with world-class leaders to further his own growth and deepen his skills, wisdom, and his offering to people.

Listen to the Podcast About Our Journey...

Awakening Through Love

Rod Gordon & Martina Hughes guide you to a deeper understanding of how to awaken spiritually and sexually alongside your intimate partner.

The podcast also includes a 5 part series on both Rod and Martina's personal journeys that many people find incredibly helpful. 

Start Listening...

Read More About Our Journey...

Teaching People To Love

We are teaching people to love. Really and truly love. Not the romantic version, not the fluffy version. But to really love.


Cultivating a Life of Trust

My body was buzzing with aliveness and possibility. We had committed to trusting a process bigger than ourselves. We weren’t making a choice of where to move to, we were trusting life to bring us the information we needed at the time we needed it.


Why Are We Redefining Intimacy?

True intimacy with your chosen partner can create tremendous healing, bring new dreams to life, offer significant opportunities for transformation, and lead to spiritual awakening. 


Our Adventures


Rod and I go on 'adventure days' regularly. These days can include going to new places, walking in the bush or on the beach, 4WDing, motorbike rides, catching fish in the ocean, or discovering new cafes. We both enjoy being spontaneous and having new experiences together.

Our Wedding


On Saturday 6th November, 2021, at Little Bay, NSW, we celebrated our love with indigenous ceremony and sharing of personal vows. 

The land and the ocean held us with our celebrant's loving guidance, and we were witnessed by friends, family, and wildlife. 

So many things did not go to plan on the way to our wedding. However, we took it as another opportunity to trust, trust, and trust some more. 

Looking at the photos reminds me how love filled, intentional and connected each and every moment of the day was.

There is a sense of something in me having been deeply and profoundly transformed through the ceremony and rituals of our wedding day.. even though I can't put into words what it is. 

There's simply a feeling of more love, more trust, more depth, more magic, more presence, more commitment and more, more, more...

Our Home


We both love living near nature, and one of the reasons we chose our home is because we have a beautiful reserve full of magnificent trees behind us. Since we moved in here in December 2020, we have been expanding our gardens - adding new soil, nutrients, new trees and flowers, and creating a veggie garden. It's so fulfilling to watch vegetables grow and to walk outside to pick vegetables for our meals.

We love creating spaces that feel intentional, nourishing and beautiful. Rod is a big fan of a project - so we have been doing house and garden projects to beautify our home as well as giving us the working and meditation spaces that support us in our inner and outer journeys.

With these projects Rod leads the way and does a lot of the heavy work, and I am the happy labourer following his instructions.

We consider our home to be a cocoon - a space that is functional, inspiring and supportive of transformation.

One of our favourite parts about living here is that we have visits from kangaroos, kookaburras, rosellas, turtles, and frogs.

It is important for us to live near the beach for ease of beach walks and ocean fishing! Nature is a constant teacher to us, showing us more of our own nature, and the nature of humanity. 

Our Community's Experiences...

Read about how our work has impacted our client's lives.

"My journey allowed me to feel the aliveness of humanity, and to give myself permission to feel more fully..." 

"Greg and I are now more connected on a deeper level and we feel more alive, it is so beautiful..."



"The depth I dropped into was amazing. At times I felt raw, tender, frustrated, light, dark and so much more..."

Be Inspired

Follow along with Martina & Rod's unfolding journey and receive valuable insights and inspirations along side a like-minded, global community.