Creating More Love in the World

our journey relationship sacred intimacy women's work written by martina hughes Nov 26, 2024

The desire for relationships, intimacy, and connection has fueled my entire life. 


I was a Chartered Accountant for 10 years, and it was the people who mattered most for me. They even called me “The Care Bear” I knew when everyone’s birthday was, when my boss needed to leave work to collect his kids, who was working too hard, and who was stressed and needed a break. 


Being connected to the people in the office was what brought meaning to my career. 


I have always been fascinated by what makes people tick, what makes me who I am, what creates connection, why humans struggle so much in relationships (past me included), and how we can create more love. 


I explored these interests through the lenses of shiatsu, breathwork, rebirthing, energetic healing, yoga, and more.


My curiosity and my hunger grew and grew. This led me to the path of neo-tantra. My world transformed on the spot. I had a Kundalini awakening, orgasms pulsed through my body, and I became an enlivened woman in ways that I never could have dreamt of. 


Neo-tantra became my pathway to working with people in intimacy and relationships. It was the choiceless choice, as they say, neo-tantra had found me, and my body was a full yes! 


It’s now been 20 years since Neo-Tantra found me, during which I have grown, evolved and deepened in my journey. I have been through several identity deaths, releasing who I thought I was. It’s been big and profound. 


As I have grown, the work that I offer people has grown and evolved. 


In so many ways I am deeply grateful for Rod, in the context of this writing, for directing us to Sacred Intimacy and the profound teachings that are at the heart of our lives now. 


Without Sacred Intimacy, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today, having this incredible relationship commitment to spiritual and sxual awakening. 


In this relationship, I have grown and awakened more than any other experience in my life. 


It is for this reason I desire to share this work with people around the world. Because I know what’s possible for you. 


As a woman, it’s one thing to have a precious and beautiful relationship, but I cannot rest in having that for me. I want to create the possibility for others to experience this too. 


That’s my vision, my purpose, my reason for being.


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